[cod_order] Taro Out NATURAL CIRCLEiPhone
[cod_order] Taro Out NATURAL CIRCLEiPhone
creator number - item number - product name
Reference example
Creator: Taro Out [cod_order] Taro Out NATURAL CIRCLE (tnc)
Item number Design number: iPhone Design 01 (i01)
*The product will be shipped within 7 business days after the order is placed.
*It may be out of stock depending on the timing of your order. In that case, we will contact you again.
*This price includes consumption tax.
▼Size specifications
Processing method
Processing method
It will be a completely made-to-order product.
We will ship within business days after confirming your order.
*It may take more than business days depending on the characteristics of the product, stock status, print status, delivery address, etc.
・Since this is a made-to-order product, we do not accept cancellations or returns after confirming the order due to customer's convenience.
・In the unlikely event that the product is defective, please contact us by email within 7 days after the product arrives.
・As this is a made-to-order product, if it is found to be incorrect, damaged, dirty, or defective in processing, and it is determined that it is an unused product, we will take care of it.
・For details on returns and exchanges, please refer to " Notation based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions ".